Daniel Series, ‘it’s who we are’

Design source, childhood memories, exploration of human frailty, reworking, free form vessels and 3D sculptural forms: related to donated liners/stump socks in memory of, and in celebration of the life of Daniel J Toner – 5.12.61-18.2.12, (Dan), “A lovely American man who loved life and was the life and soul of the party”.

‘it’s who we are’ – alpaca, white merino, Corridale, Mulberry silk, silk tops, tencel, viscose and man-made liner/stump sock. Turning the sock inside out I became aware of the maker’s name and mark, ‘STERLING – The Ohio Willow Wood Co’. I resolved to attempt to keep the maker’s name and mark visible whilst felting the sock into a sculptural form. Alpaca has been needle felted to the inside using the embellisher machine, taking care to keep this even and avoid the maker’s mark. Once satisfied the sock was turned, and work commenced on the outside. Layers of white wool from stock, in various tones, felted onto the sock to provide more structure and a base for decoration, once again using the embellisher machine. Wool, silk and viscose was added to vary the tone with Mulberry silk squares, de-constructed, creating a random pattern. Care has been taken to avoid the narrow end, which has no decoration, contrasting and providing balance with the open edge. The ragged holes have been emphasised (imagine the film Alien) and trimmed a little to tidy them up.  Further emphasis has been gained by adding silk square edges to form random ridges.

This piece, provides a visual sculptural work which shows that human beings are capable of pushing and bursting through the constraints that  life imposes on us.

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